Dots show all records submitted so far at ~5km resolution - refresh: |
Well done! Explore the map below to see just how amazing your coverage of the UK is so far. The BTO Barn Owl data layer is kindly supplied by the British Trust for Ornithology from their Bird Atlas 2007-11 to show breeding probability: increasingly darker red squares show probability on a scale from 1=Possible, 2=Probable to 3=Confirmed. Please keep the records coming in - and help fill the gaps: Record a Sighting or a Roost/Nest now!
Breeding Probability Data Layer © Copyright 2014 British Trust for Ornithology. Contributor data includes all your records submitted to date and data are refreshed with each page view. Records are aggregated, shown at ~5km accuracy and, for privacy, will only show approximate positions when zoomed in.
See also All Records in Symbols.