
User Records 2014 Copyright: Barn Own Trust

As spring begins, paired Barn Owls will roost together in a potential nest site. If the pair are successful then eggs will follow, sometimes in March, more often in April, but also in May or summer. The site will usually be familiar to one or both owls, and an established pair will have bred there over consecutive years. This is because Barn Owls are highly site faithful. Barn Owls are most sensitive to disturbance when they are just beginning to breed, so care must be taken around their nest sites. Recording a Barn Owl nest site on this survey provides incredibly valuable information that enables us to promote their conservation during a critical time.

Please report all Barn Owl nests, roost sites, and sightings (dead or alive), anywhere in the UK. Thanks.

  • Step One – please check through the quick Owl Identification Guide - just to make sure the bird you saw really was a Barn Owl. Pellet identification and owl sounds included.
  • Step Two – complete our one-page survey form.
  • Step Three – create your own log-on to make your future reporting even quicker and view your submissions.